Why should you consider becoming a certified Bird Friendly Community?
First and foremost, birds are cool! Your community will be doing good things for birds.
Birds are an indicator of local environmental health. When you do good things for birds, you are also improving the environmental health of your local community.
Birds help support economic development. Becoming certified as a Bird Friendly Community can promote local tourism and local businesses.
You will receive a variety of direct benefits from the Bird Friendly Communities Program including:
Signage to announce that you are a Bird Friendly Community
Support services including access to technical expertise, speakers, programs, access to experts in different areas of bird conservation
Promotion through the Bird Friendly Communities Website and other outreach strategies.
The Bird Friendly Communities Program will provide information about and support for grant and other funding programs to support local bird friendly programs and projects.
You will become part of an interconnected, growing network of Bird Friendly Communities in Oregon!